Ever since I began recording my dreams as a young woman, dreams have guided me like maps through life’s journeys, past, present and future. They’ve helped me through difficult times, challenged me out of complacency and convinced me of our immortality.

"Those who studied with Adelita consistently describe the work as “life-altering” because of the tools they received with which to explore their inner worlds.”

- Denise M. Romano, MSN, MA,
The Graduate Institute, IHH Program Coor­dinator

I work with dreams in a playful and safe way. Using Active Dreaming, I help people of all ages become the interpreters of their own dreams. Simple Active Dreaming techniques like Lightning Dreamwork, Dream Re-entry and Dream Theater let you experience how dreams can inspire height­ened creativity, confident living and greater joy.

“…an extraordinary experience. Her enthusiasm, wisdom, humor and knowledge made it a thoroughly enjoyable, worthwhile weekend.”

- Martin A. Schwartz
Ph.D. Prof. Yale University

We can help preserve the magic of dreaming for our children by teaching them how to interact with scary dreams fearlessly and how to use their dreams as sources of fun and adventure in waking life.

“I was amazed as I watched Adelita work with my kindergarten students. She allowed them to explore and express their feelings and fears about their dreams in a wonderful, creative way while providing a positive and safe envi­ronment.”
- Teacher
New Haven, CT

“I have such vivid dreams; I have often wondered what they meant. Being able to use dreams as a tool to help my waking life is so helpful. I was glad to have Adelita’s help.”
- Teen
Milford, CT

My passion for dreaming led me to pursue formal training in Jungian and other dream therapies. I’m experienced as a psychotherapist and a spiritual counselor and have delighted in sparking dream curiosity in diverse people of all ages for over three decades. My goal has always been to help people reconnect to this vital resource for personal growth and spiritual development.

I am a life-long Feminist and feel uplifted by women of courage, young and old, who are everywhere contributing their strength to fixing this broken world.

I am fluent in Spanish and happy to conduct our sessions in Spanish if you wish. My hobbies include writing, practicing tai chi and spending time with dear friends and family.

I am an educator, counselor, writer and producer who has studied and taught dream work since 1976. The production company I own with my partner, James Cookman, has received many prestigious industry awards for educational and documentary programs like this 1994 Emmy nominated doc about the impact of violence on our cities’ children, “We The Children.”



I graduated from the U of Rochester, pursued my Masters in Scriptural Studies and Pastoral Counseling at Colgate-Rochester Divinity School, obtained a certificate in Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychotherapy from Temenos Institute, Westport, CT and received my Level I, II, and III Teacher Training Certificates from the Robert Moss School of Active Dreaming. My experience includes servings as a Family Services Counselor for Superior Court, CT.